Date rape drugs are illegal and are sometimes used to assist a sexual assault. Sexual assault is any type of sexual activity that a person does not agree to. Date rape drugs often have no color, smell, or taste, so you can’t tell if you are being drugged. The drugs can make you weak and confused — or even cause you to pass out — so that you cannot consent to sex. Both men and women can be drugged with date rape drugs.


These are drugs that are sometimes used during sexual assault. Sexual assault is any type of sexual activity that a person does not agree to. It can include touching that is not okay; putting something into the vagina; rape; and attempted rape.

Date rape drugs are powerful and dangerous. They can be slipped into your drink when you are not looking. The drugs often have no color, smell, or taste, so you can’t tell if you are being drugged. The drugs can make you become weak and confused — or even pass out — so that you cannot consent to sex. If you are drugged, you might not remember what happened while you were drugged. Date rape drugs may be used on both females and males.

These drugs also are known as “club drugs” because they tend to be used at dance clubs, concerts, and “raves.”

The term “date rape” is widely used. But most experts prefer the term “drug-facilitated sexual assault.” These drugs also are used to help people commit other crimes, like robbery and physical assault. They are used on both men and women. The term “date rape” also can be misleading because the person who commits the crime might not be dating the victim. Rather, it could be an acquaintance or stranger.


 The three most common date rape drugs are:

  • Rohypnol (roh-HIP-nol). Rohypnol is the trade name for flunitrazepam (FLOO-neye-TRAZ-uh-pam). Abuse of two similar drugs appears to have replaced Rohypnol abuse in some parts of the United States. These are: clonazepam (marketed as Klonopin in the U.S.and Rivotril in Mexico) and alprazolam (marketed as Xanax). 
  •  GHB, which is short for gamma hydroxybutyric (GAM-muh heye-DROX-ee-BYOO-tur-ihk) acid, also known as  *Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH) *Liquid E *Liquid Ecstasy *Liquid X
  •  Ketamine (KEET-uh-meen), also known as:  *Black Hole *Special K *Bump *Cat Valium


 These drugs are very powerful. They can affect you very quickly and without your knowing. The length of time that the effects last varies. It depends on how much of the drug is taken and if the drug is mixed with other drugs or alcohol. Alcohol makes the drugs even stronger and can cause serious health problems — even death.


The effects of Rohypnol can be felt within 30 minutes of being drugged and can last for several hours. If you are drugged, you might look and act like someone who is drunk. You might have trouble standing. Your speech might be slurred. Or you might pass out.


GHB takes effect in about 15 minutes and can last 3 or 4 hours. It is very potent: A very small amount can have a big effect. So it’s easy to overdose on GHB. Most GHB is made by people in home or street “labs.” So, you don’t know what’s in it or how it will affect you. 


Ketamine is very fast-acting. You might be aware of what is happening to you, but unable to move. It also causes memory problems. Later, you might not be able to remember what happened while you were drugged.

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